While the dishes wait...

The Blog

The phrase “share the opportunity” is tossed around a lot in the direct sales industry. Our goal is to tell people about our company with hopes that they will want to buy our product or join our team. But how can you “share” without seeming rehearsed or like the stereotypical used car salesman?

Talking about your company without sounding “salesy”

How to talk about your company without being "salesy"

What’s the difference between you and every other team member in your company? It’s your personal brand, and that’s your key to standing out. I’m going to help you develop your own unique personal brand.

The importance of having a personal brand

How do you reach your dreams and goals, that next level in your company, and a bigger paycheck?
The answer is incredibly simple and yet it can also be one of our greatest struggles. In this episode, we’re going to unpack how to get out of your own way and climb the success ladder of your dreams.

The most important keys to success

Are you confident? I have some tips to help you get on your way.

Today we’re jumping into the final three of the solid six recruiting strategies that are making network marketers millions when used correctly. Three down and three to go. So let’s jump into tip number four.

Six solid ways to recruit- part two

I’m going to give you six solid ways to recruit without getting blocked and your friends and family won’t avoid you either. These are the exact methods that helped me build a seven figure empire that sky rocketed my success and all my friends and family are still talking to me.

Six solid ways to recruit- part one

6 Solid methods for success with recruiting

Let’s make sure you’re not guilty of making any of these top 3 mistakes that kill network marketing businesses. We so often hear about what you should be doing, but in this episode I want to get down and dirty and get into what you should NOT be doing.

BIG NEWS! The Dreams Before Dishes podcast is here

Now that you have taken advice and become a recruiting rock star, you find yourself managing a team. What happens next? Your team becomes the main character and your job is to set them up to become stars.

5 steps to creating a healthy team culture

The entire reason you are putting yourself out there is to build your business. What do you HAVE to do to build your business? Recruit!
I have two tips to ensure you are making the most of your recruiting game.

Become a recruiting rock star! Take the quiz

You might have big goals and lofty dreams, but how do we bring those things to life? It could be as simple as making a plan. A dream without a plan is dead. Let’s talk about how to break down goals to create an achievable plan.

How making a plan can change everything for your business

You might have big goals and lofty dreams, but how do we bring those things to life? It could be as simple as making a plan. A dream without a plan is dead. Let's talk about how to break down goals to create an achievable plan.

Belief in yourself can get you where you want to go in your business. This is one of my favorite quotes: “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re right.” Start right now and tell yourself that you CAN!

3 steps to get you where you want to go in your biz

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dreams before dishes