While the dishes wait...

The Blog

When I look back at the images I used when starting my business, I realize that I have come a long way. The outfits I wore and even the poses feel outdated now. We don’t want our clients to look at our brand photography and wonder if it was taken in this decade!

Is it time to update your brand photography?

Running a business and household can be exhausting. The to-do list can feel never ending! You have orders to fulfill, team members to check in with, and, oh yeah, dinner to plan. What are you doing to take care of yourself?

Why self-care is so important during your work day

Social media can often seem like an overly complicated beast. How are we supposed to keep up with the ever changing algorithms? Is anyone even seeing what I post? Sometimes the answer feels like a big fat NO.

One simple tip to help with your social media engagement

You’re not going to get too far if, when meeting someone new, you jump right in with an elevator pitch about your business and all the great things it’s done for you. Coming right out of the gate talking about yourself is usually a big turn off.

Focusing on your prospects to grow your biz

Sometimes we hesitate to share our accomplishments because we are worried we may give off a boastful impression. No one likes a bragger. The truth is that there are many tasteful ways to give ourselves accolades without sounding egotistical.

Don’t be shy! Be a team leader people want to follow

A strong social media following can be so important for crushing your goals in network marketing.

Tips for growing your social media following

Tips to build your social media following

The way you present yourself online is important as you grow your network marketing business.
Listen up: It’s a myth that confident people are born that way. You might just need a few tips to find your inner strength.

Are you confident?

Are you confident? I have some tips to help you get on your way.

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we never know what wrench might be thrown our way! I was excited for a new year, planning out what my personal and business goals would look like, then BAM…..everything changed. No one could have predicted this and no one would have believed it would last a […]

How to stay relevant during changing times

You’ve heard me say this before… The fortune is in the follow-up. Imagine this scenario: you are talking to someone who you believe would be a great addition to your team. She sounds like the perfect match and seems really interested in learning more. So you’re super excited to talk about your company and tell […]

Why follow-up is the key to team building

How many opportunities, new customers, and potential rockstar leaders have been missed because of a lack of follow-up? I have a FREEBIE for you! It's the custom tracker I use to keep myself organized. You're going to love it.

I’m so excited to announce that the book that I co-authored has launched! The title is “Momentum Makers” and it focuses on how to use social media to grow your network marketing business. Couldn’t we ALL use some help in that area!? There is a lot of great advice from the top earners in our […]

My book has launched!

Codi Bills Momentum Makers

© Codi Bills 2020   |   A  Custom  Leah Remillét Website

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dreams before dishes