The Blog

While the dishes wait...

I have a fun freebie for you today! What if I could help you with your social media engagement? It can seem daunting to get yourself noticed in a sea of social media influencers. You know you need to be posting regularly, but you sit there thinking what am I going to say. We have […]

55 social media engagement ideas for network marketers

55 Questions for social media engagement for network marketing

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we never know what wrench might be thrown our way! I was excited for a new year, planning out what my personal and business goals would look like, then BAM…..everything changed. No one could have predicted this and no one would have believed it would last a […]

How to stay relevant during changing times

You’ve heard me say this before… The fortune is in the follow-up. Imagine this scenario: you are talking to someone who you believe would be a great addition to your team. She sounds like the perfect match and seems really interested in learning more. So you’re super excited to talk about your company and tell […]

Why follow-up is the key to team building

How many opportunities, new customers, and potential rockstar leaders have been missed because of a lack of follow-up? I have a FREEBIE for you! It's the custom tracker I use to keep myself organized. You're going to love it.

I’m so excited to announce that the book that I co-authored has launched! The title is “Momentum Makers” and it focuses on how to use social media to grow your network marketing business. Couldn’t we ALL use some help in that area!? There is a lot of great advice from the top earners in our […]

My book has launched!

Codi Bills Momentum Makers

The phrase “share the opportunity” is tossed around a lot in the direct sales industry. Our goal is to tell people about our company with hopes that they will want to buy our product or join our team. But how can you “share” without seeming rehearsed or like the stereotypical used car salesman?

Talking about your company without sounding “salesy”

How to talk about your company without being "salesy"

What’s the difference between you and every other team member in your company? It’s your personal brand, and that’s your key to standing out. I’m going to help you develop your own unique personal brand.

The importance of having a personal brand

How do you reach your dreams and goals, that next level in your company, and a bigger paycheck?
The answer is incredibly simple and yet it can also be one of our greatest struggles. In this episode, we’re going to unpack how to get out of your own way and climb the success ladder of your dreams.

The most important keys to success

Are you confident? I have some tips to help you get on your way.

Today we’re jumping into the final three of the solid six recruiting strategies that are making network marketers millions when used correctly. Three down and three to go. So let’s jump into tip number four.

Six solid ways to recruit- part two

I’m going to give you six solid ways to recruit without getting blocked and your friends and family won’t avoid you either. These are the exact methods that helped me build a seven figure empire that sky rocketed my success and all my friends and family are still talking to me.

Six solid ways to recruit- part one

6 Solid methods for success with recruiting

Let’s make sure you’re not guilty of making any of these top 3 mistakes that kill network marketing businesses. We so often hear about what you should be doing, but in this episode I want to get down and dirty and get into what you should NOT be doing.

BIG NEWS! The Dreams Before Dishes podcast is here

© Codi Bills 2024   |   A  Custom  Leah Remillét Website

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dreams before dishes