Why it’s important to create your personal brand

What does it mean to have a personal brand and why is it important? People know me as the 80s-loving, bright colored, roller skating, family-centered, public speaking, mom who made a million dollars from her kitchen table. If you’ve been following me, you probably already knew all of those things. If you are just thinking about your own personal brand, where should you start?

What do you think your customer base or team think about when they think about you? Why are your friends, your customers, or your social media followers drawn to you? Or why are they NOT drawn to you?

When you think about those you look up to in your field, what qualities do they embody? Some that come to the top of my mind are brave, generous, and determined. I had a business friend who had all of these qualities and I looked up to her. I wanted to be like her.

Your personal brand is how you promote yourself. It is the unique combination of skills, experience, and personality that make you, you. It is how you want to be perceived by your clients or team.

There are probably thousands of people selling your exact product. What is going to attract customers to YOU?

Your personal brand is what makes you memorable. It gives you the opportunity to highlight your strengths and passions. Some people might feel afraid to put themselves out there. When I think about my business friend who I looked up to, I saw that she didn’t care about what people thought of her. She exuded confidence. If you are scared of what others think of you, and let fear take over, you will most likely fall into negativity or drama. If you show up as your best self- positive, brave, and generous- you will attract the same in your team members. Hiding behind your products or website links is not going to cut it anymore! Get out of your comfort zone and let people know who you are.

Your personal brand is YOU!

When you can conquer the fear of what others think of you, you can let your true self shine through and go after anything you want! When others get to know the real you, their interest will be piqued. I have talked about this before, but this leads to building trust, and as we know, your customer base and team will grow when your relationship is based on trust. When people trust you, they will want to know more about you and the rest will follow. It is your personal brand that will help you stand out from the thousands of other people out there. There is only one YOU. Time to show her off! Roller skates and all!

I talk more about branding and other helpful subjects in my video series: Mastering a Million Dollar Network Marketing Biz. Come check it out if you haven’t already.

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