The Blog

While the dishes wait...

I came up with the 5 Cs when I realized how powerful social media was in the success of my business. Network marketing, when done right, can open so many doors. I have soared to the top of each company I have joined and the number one reason is how I have used social media to market myself.

My 5 Cs for social media success

Does your level of ability shine through on social media? Does it look like you know what you are doing?

Your audience will be drawn to someone they see as having a high level of ability and professionalism. Are you portraying that image?

Your success in social media depends on this

I’m talking about another one of my 5 C’s of social media success today. Consistency!

Consistency is key to your social media success!

The way you connect with people online will determine your success. That sounds like a bold statement, but it is true!

Why connection is so important in social media

We can all use a few words of wisdom sometimes as we try to reach our own personal versions of success. Recently I posted some of my favorite quotes from some of the most influential women. This time, I’m sharing quotes from some men you’ve probably heard of too… Feel free to share and save. […]

Inspiring quotes to motivate any entrepreneur

Getting started in network marketing can feel like a daunting task. It might take some time to get used to the ins and outs of everything. I have collected some of the most helpful books to help you get going…or to help you keep going if you’ve been at this for a while. Momentum Makers. […]

12 must-read books for network marketers

There is no shortage of inspirational quotes floating around the internet. I wanted to share some of my favorites with you because there are some good words of wisdom here! Feel free to save and share yourself…

10 inspirational quotes from women at the top

Get your business working for you, even when you’re not looking…

How to run your network marketing biz on autopilot

I put the word out to my fellow network marketers, asking for the top podcasts for our industry. I narrowed them down and have compiled a list of the top five. I’m excited to share them with you! There is SO MUCH great content shared by all of these people. Grab your earbuds and start […]

5 must-listen podcasts for network marketers

Have you tried the Boards app yet? If not, I’m excited to tell you about it because it’s a great way to make your life easier! Picture this: You’re out and about and you get a notification that a new stylist has requested to join your team. With a couple clicks, you’ve sent her all […]

How to use the boards app with your team

© Codi Bills 2024   |   A  Custom  Leah Remillét Website

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dreams before dishes