Flashback to the 80’s: Top Five Reasons it Was Totally Rad

Whether or not you lived through the 80’s, many would agree it was a totally rad and carefree decade that simply cannot be forgotten. Let’s face it, the 80’s brought us the best movies, music, break-dancing, and even some of the most defining fashion trends. And well, we just can’t forget about the significant historical moments or the life lessons the 80’s taught us. Now that you’ve got your inner 80’s vibe going, let’s flashback to a much simpler time, and look at the top five reasons why the 80’s were so great.

Reason #1: Instant Gratification was not a Thing

In the ‘80s, you couldn’t have whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted it. It was like life was one big surprise waiting and anticipating for something to happen. If you wanted to watch a movie you had to venture out and go to the local video store and see if they had it in stock. If it wasn’t in stock, well, you’d just have to wait until next time. Your favorite TV shows were on only when they were on and you had to wait the whole week for the next episode. And every time you took photos with your camera, you had to take the film to a lab to be developed, wait sometimes overnight or even a few days before you could pick up your photos, and pray they turned out. Yes, options were more limited and there was no way to order Uber Eats delivery in the middle of the night if you were hungry. Times were tough! Lol.

80's phone

Reason #2: People Actually Answered Their Phones

The phone is ringing! Yes, it was pretty darn exciting to race to the phone to see who was calling. What about waiting for the phone to ring hoping it was that special someone? Then it was totally socially acceptable to sit and talk for as long as you could (hours!) while twirling the phone cord in your hands without a care in the world. I bet you even tried to stretch that long curly phone cord around the corner once or twice just to have a little more privacy. And of course, it was always annoying when someone else tried to pick up the phone and listen in on your conversation or maybe you recall the disappointment when you heard your Mom or Dad tell you it was time to get off the phone. Oh wait, then there was the whole pay phone thing, right?! Wasn’t it pretty darn great not being distracted by every ping or buzz we get from our hand-held devices today? Yes, it is hard to believe that we couldn’t wait to answer the phone, drop everything, and enjoy a good chat.  

Reason #3:  Kids Roamed Free Unless They Were Watching Cartoons

Yes, kids roamed free. If you were a kid in the 8o’s you might have heard someone say, “Go outside and play. Just be home by dinner!”  Kids would meet up with other kids in the neighborhood and they’d all jump on their bikes and ride all over (no helmets to be seen). Also, kids would walk everywhere and just play for hours on end outside. In fact, maybe you even recall walking to play at the local park or hiking into the woods to jump streams, etc. Not only were parents okay with this, they encouraged it! Outside was always the best place to be, unless it was time for cartoons. Kids loved watching them either right after school or Saturday mornings. Kids also spent time at the local arcade pumping quarters into the Pac-Man machine or maybe even had an Atari 2600 video game system at home. Entertainment, for the most part, was free and life was much more carefree.
80's music

Reason #4: It Was All About the Music

The 80’s was one of the most popular music decades of all times with hundreds of hit songs and albums from talented artists covering all music genres. These unforgettable singers reached out to fans all over with their fun and upbeat music. For most people, music was an escape in their lives, and it gave them happiness and the feeling of freedom.

Reason #5: Fashion was fun!

Jeans were acid-washed. Shoulders were padded. Waists were properly fanny-packed. Everything was neon. Earrings were long, gloves were finger-less, and socks were layered. We owned at least one outfit with elastic cuffs. Preppy was a Polo shirt with a popped collar. Jackets were Members Only. Name brand fashion was Gitano and Jordache, Izod and Esprit. Happiness was collecting new charms for our plastic charm bracelets and necklaces. And even going to the gym was a fashion show. No self-respecting woman of the ‘80s worked out in anything but a leotard, legwarmers, and sweat bands.


So, all you nostalgia junkies out there, you know there are more than just five reasons why the 80’s were totally rad. If you’d like to keep your inner 80’s vibe going and keep reminiscing with me, be sure to follow my weekly blog. Let’s bring back the 80’s baby!  


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