Thinking small is out! It is the safe place where most people find themselves. It involves little risk, so the stakes stay low. Don’t let yourself get stuck there. It might sound scary, but it’s time to THINK BIG. How do you shift toward thinking BIG? Start by being clear about what you want so you can start working toward making your goals a reality.
I have broken it down into three simple tips to help you get started.
Write down your goals
Get out your paper and favorite colored pen (or whatever makes you happy) and simply write down your goals. Sometimes seeing your own words can make a big difference in how you perceive your goals. There is something tangible about the intention that is on the paper right there in front of you.
Stay positive
The power of positive thinking can change everything for you. As soon as we allow our thoughts to turn negative, we shut down our chances of growth and opportunity. Don’t let those nasty thoughts get the best of you! Finding our positivity can look different for each of us. Maybe for you it means taking a few minutes of quiet, deep breathing while sitting at your desk or looking out the window at the blue sky or listening to your favorite song. Whatever it is, make sure to remind yourself that your goals are worthwhile and you’re going to do your best to reach them.
Believe in yourself
Along the same lines of staying positive, remind yourself that you can accomplish anything. Why not you? Why can’t you be the one doing great things? Why can’t you make the big changes? You need to believe you have the abilities to accomplish exactly what you want…because you do!
I believe in you! Let’s see where the magic of thinking big can take you.
For a deeper dive into how I ended up where I am today and how you can reach the top of your company, too, check out my series called Mastering a Million Dollar Network Marketing Biz. Come join me!

[…] about what your best life looks like and how to take the steps to get there. My advice is to dream big! What do you want to do more? What do you want to do less? How many work hours fit into your […]