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How do you reach your dreams and goals, that next level in your company, and a bigger paycheck?
The answer is incredibly simple and yet it can also be one of our greatest struggles. In this episode, we’re going to unpack how to get out of your own way and climb the success ladder of your dreams.
The Most Important Keys to Success
What is this incredibly simple, yet elusive solution? The answer is consistency.
The truth is, we ALL have times when we’re on fire and everything is going great. We’re motivated, we’re action driven, and we’re seeing results.
But then life happens. People need you, basements flood, husbands leave for work trips, kids have forgotten school projects that need to be finished, and what about global pandemics?

The people I know who are most successful are also the ones who are juggling the most things. That’s right, the busiest people I know are also the ones who are killing it. You might want to think twice before using the “there’s so much on my plate” excuse.
If you had time to watch Prime, Netflix, or Hulu, but you’re not making time to do the things that will grow your business, you might need to reassess the importance of your dreams. What’s holding you back? Your priorities, your time management, and your mindset need a shift.
The way I manage my time is really simple. I don’t watch the show until the work is done. My show becomes a reward not an escape, so I can feel great about sitting down and enjoying it guilt free.
The truth is, one or two days being unproductive isn’t going stop your dreams. But if you are only consistent at being inconsistent and letting yourself become comfortable with the excuses, your progress won’t only halt, it will disappear.
Your mindset matters
You’ve got the goal, you’re managing your time, but how do you deal with the setbacks that leave you deflated? You will have the months where you did everything right, but you still ended just short of the goal. How do you keep going when that happens?
The answer is mindset. One of the biggest ways I’ve been able to keep my mind in the right frame has been through the use of a personal motto.
Working by your own personal motto will help you keep going when you’re not feeling the fire!
5 reasons why a personal motto has a much bigger impact on your success than you think it does.
1. It can be your friend. There are times where you might feel super alone (we are all at different stages in our business, our teams are organized and built differently and each are unique) and reminding yourself of your motto helps you advocate for yourself. It becomes your driving force to be better and do better.
2. It helps you with your personal branding and marketing. If you need direction with branding yourself, come up with a motto first. The two go hand in hand.
3. It becomes your mentor as it constantly reminds you of why you’re doing what you’re doing and what you’re after.
4. It becomes your support. Seriously, there is so much power in having a personal motto as it starts to play a part in your decision making.
5. It helps you eliminate any negativity in your life and replaces it with positivity. It is a definite mood changer!
How to create your personal motto
To create your own motto, look at what you’ve experienced. What are your values, goals and dreams? How do you want people to identify you? What’s most important to you in life?
Your motto can be a sentence, a phrase, or just a few words.
I came up with my motto on the last day of the month (network marketers know this is an important day) when I was stressed and trying to hit a big goal. I was working on a big pile of dishes in my sink, feeling that I was not only failing in business, but also at home. I made the decision to stop what I was doing and get to work. The dishes could wait! I took a picture of myself with the dirty dishes and posted it on Facebook with the hashtag #dreamsbeforedishes. I got a huge response and realizes that would be my motto going forward and has been my driving force ever since.
Find a motto that has meaning to you!

You’re not going to feel like you’re winning every day. You will have days where it feels harder than normal. You’ll have days where you’re crushing it, and days where you feel like you’re being crushed. Whether there is sunshine or rain, you have to find it in you to be consistent. Consistency is the key that opens up the doors to the next level of success that’s waiting for you.
By keeping your priorities top of mind, managing your time and being honest about where it’s being spent, and living by a personal motto, you can set yourself up for a lifetime of success and happiness.
I want to hear your personal motto! If you need a little help coming up with yours reach. Follow me on Instagram, shoot me a DM, or leave a comment here and let’s keep the conversation going!
