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This is part two of how millionaire network marketers recruit. If you haven’t had a chance to listen to part one, jump back to episode two, part one. We talked about how to sell yourself in a way where people want to know more. And I shared my five C’s on how to attract people online.
Today we’re jumping into the final three of the solid six, that are making network marketers millions when used correctly. Three down and three to go of the solid six. So let’s jump into tip number four.
Number four: You have to be doing it all
You must have your hands in all the pots. This means you’ve got to be doing all the things! For example, if I were to solely post on Facebook and not Instagram or LinkedIn (and all the other platforms), I would be missing out on a ton of eyes on my business! Same goes for in-person meetings, sales parties, and vendor events. You’ve got to be doing it all!
Could you imagine if I wasn’t comfortable enough in public to tell people what I do? I would miss out on so many connections! There has to be a balance of online and in-person work. The two go hand in hand.
I want to touch on how important in-person connections are and have been to the growth of my business. The impact you can have at a recruiting event, party, or vendor event is far greater than an online connection! Why? They can see you in action. They can hear your enthusiasm and your ability to create connections take a fraction of the time it does over social media. Plus, they can feel your emotions. And the most important thing, they can physically see the product you are selling!
In this day and age you have to have BOTH online and in person connections. I honestly believe you can’t rely on just one to lead you to success. It just won’t work with the way the world is evolving around new technology and systems.
Number five: The importance of following up
How many opportunities, new customers, and potential rockstar leaders have been missed because of a lack of follow-up?
There are a million ways to keep yourself organized. You’ll need to find what works for you. And don’t be afraid to try a few things until you get the right fit.
For me, I use a custom follow-up worksheet that I had made (the link is above). I can track about 30 people, including when I made contact, what we talked about, when I’m going to follow up again, and more.
This is critical, because our business often requires a lot of touch points with a lot of people. And that can leave us trying desperately to remember which conversation went with whom. There’s nothing worse than the embarrassment of following up with the wrong person because you couldn’t remember who wanted to place an order and who needed to wait a month. By tracking it all, we’ll be able to make more genuine relationships, follow up without looking like we can’t remember the last conversation, and ensure that we help the people we’re connecting with know they matter to us.
If you don’t follow up, your potential customers will go somewhere else. And here’s the rookie mistake newbies make: they blame it on the customer instead of realizing that they lost the sale because they didn’t follow up.
Number six: Be willing to innovate
If you want to stay relevant, you’re going to have to be willing and ready to innovate.
Network marketing looks nothing like when I started 10 years ago. There was no Instagram, no Pinterest, and Facebook was brand new on the scene. Groups, lives, business pages – none of that even existed yet.
So in the beginning, my business was much more localized. My target clients were in my community.
We now have the opportunity to reach all of North America with a global reach in our future.

We also had to innovate and pivot during 2020 with the unique challenges of COVID-19. For my personal business, I bought even more on-hand inventory so I could mail orders myself and even offer doorstep delivery.
It’s these innovations and pivots that keep us relevant and growing. In fact, 2020 brought me three of my best months ever, breaking my past personal income records.
Be sure to join us for Episode 4 when we talk about the importance of creating your personal brand.
