ARE YOU GOING NUTS? Do you feel like you have been going down a negative rabbit hole and can’t get out? Let me help you do a few simple things that will bring back the sunshine into your life.
First, TURN OFF THE NEWS. When we watch and listen to distressed and bad news it does something to our brains. It replaces hope with fear and causes our bodies to stress. While we are physically social distancing we should also be mentally distancing from certain things.
Now, talk to someone. Like really talk to someone. This could be on the phone, facetime, or zoom. Hearing someone you care about and their voice can do wonders for your soul. And being able to be heard too can be a good way to have a good day. Don’t lose communication and isolate yourself.
Then, find ways to serve someone. The littlest act of kindness can go a long way during this lockdown period in time. You never know how much of a positive impact you can make on someone’s day. And serving will lift your own spirit tremendously!
Don’t waste time watching Netflix until you have done something productive that will further your personal and business life. Use tv shows and movies as a reward, not an escape. Being unproductive leads to feelings of low self esteem and can lead to depression. It feels so good to get projects done that you have been putting off.
Finally, breathe. Sometimes I get so busy and stressed that I forget to take deep breaths. Go outside and breathe in fresh air. Take in your surroundings in a quiet place and count your blessings. Remember you are here for a reason and that you need to take care of you before you can care for others.
You’ve got this! Be the best person you can be while social distancing! You will come out on top on the other side.
