GLOW aka the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, is a cult classic television series created by David B. McLane which originally aired in December of 1985. The recent popular Netflix series by the same name, is a hit both culturally and critically and has just been renewed for a fourth season. The highly anticipated third season was just released on August 9th, 2019. Netflix’s GLOW stars Alison Brie, Marc Maron, and Betty Gilpin and revolves around the initial founding and eventual television premiere of the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling.
For fans of the 80’s, Netflix’s GLOW is a fast ride right back to the heart of the beloved decade. It’s a series that does a great job of adhering to being an authentic period piece while also telling a story about overcoming adversity and gender inequality that is universal and all too applicable to the world of today.
How Did The Original GLOW Get Started?
Anyone who was around in the 80’s and early 90’s knows that you couldn’t escape the pull of professional wrestling in the pop culture zeitgeist. Mr. David McLane grew up a huge pro wrestling fan and wanted to break into the business as a career. After graduating college in 1984, he started working with beloved pro wrestler “Dick, the Bruiser” at the World Wrestling Association (WWA) who was based in his hometown of Indianapolis, Indiana. While in Bruiser’s camp, David learned how to promote, produce, and market pro wrestling to a wider audience.
David had been drawn to the powerful story-lines and talented actresses and stunt-women that he had seen in his career promoting and producing pro wrestling. Inspired by how captivating he felt the female wrestlers were, and how he felt their market was terribly under-served, decided to make a pro wrestling league entirely made up of female wrestlers. Once the pilot aired in 1985, the show became a huge commercial and fan hit, often outperforming the “WWF Superstars” series that was in a similar time slot.
What is Netflix’s GLOW About?
The series chronicles (while taking a few liberties, of course) the very beginning of how the television show came to be. Season 1 starts with the initial auditions and goes into the first televised match for a live audience.
True to life, the first audition drew over 100 women to the stage and shows how they were eventually whittled down to a dedicated group of 12. A major plot point in the show revolves around training the final 12 candidates to actually become pro wrestlers, since only one of them had ever actually had any experience in the ring before.
Without spoiling the rest of the seasons, you’ll just have to catch up on Netflix! But, believe us when we say it is every bit as fun and outrageous as the original 80’s show came to be.
One of the best scenes in the entire series is when the ladies are filming their own rap videos which will be used to promote their wrestling personas in the ring. The lyrics are spectacular and true to form and just as corny and amazing as you would imagine. It’s worth watching the entire series for that alone!