There is a lot that goes into getting your network marketing business off the ground and it takes time. But if you find that you are always feeling like time is something you can’t spare, there are a couple tricks to getting your business to grow even while you’re not looking.
That’s right — take a step back and let autopilot take over!

We are going to focus on Pinterest and Flodesk and their power to lead your ideal clients right to your doorstep (so to speak).
First, you need to have a website and a blog. Some people claim that blogs are old news, but I am here to tell you that they are still useful in growing your business.
Next, you need to create content that sparks the interest of your audience. You should know who you are talking to and focus on the value you can provide to them.
For every blog post, create a pin (or multiple) to post to Pinterest. Did you know Pinterest is one of the most popular search engines? It’s true. And once your pins are out there, they are there to stay, so they can always lead people to your site. Use a site like Canva to create professional pins. They have templates to help you get started. No graphic design degree needed!
the big tip:
A great way to get people to click to your site is to offer something for free. What is something you can create that people will want and will provide their email address to get access? What is a problem your target client might have that you can solve?
Once you have created your freebie, or opt-in, create a blog post about it. I have created multiple freebies. You can check a couple out HERE and HERE.
Here’s where autopilot comes in.
I use Flodesk for my emails and I love it! Within Flodesk, I created a form for collecting email addresses when someone wants my free download (one form per freebie so I can see which opt-ins are the most popular). Their emails are then added to my list.
(If you click the Flodesk link, you get 50% off your subscription and I get a little kickback too).
I can create automations within Flodesk to connect with my new followers. For example, once someone enters their email address, an email goes out saying hello with a link to the free download. I can schedule as many emails as I want in a sequence. Maybe a few days later I check in to see how they like my freebie. And maybe the following week, I introduce myself and let them know where they can find more of the content I have been creating. The beauty is that you can set it up in any way that works for you.
Most importantly, they have been added to my newsletter list, so I can connect with them in the future.
And all of this is set up in advance, so the emails are sent without me having to think about them!
The more people I add to my list, the more people I get to connect with, and the more prospects I have when growing my business and selling my items. It’s a winning combination!
This was a simple version of what goes into automation and collecting leads. If you’re interested in learning more, leave a comment and I’d be happy to help you out.
