Getting started in network marketing Part 2

In my last post I shared some Q & A from my guest appearance on the Momentum Makers podcast. Today I will share the rest of our conversation.

I hope that some of my lessons learned can help those of you who are just starting out. Network marketing can be so rewarding. I love it want to share my tips so you can succeed too!

How do you maintain balance between work and family?

Once you become successful, it’s easy to become obsessed and want to go, go, go. Get family involved with helping— packaging products, making videos. Make time blocks and become super disciplined. I choose the five most important things I want to get done each day. Share your goals with kids so they understand why you have to go to work. Let them know how important your goals are to you. Post your goals and a vision board on a bulletin board so everyone can see it. Include family dreams and visions too so the whole family is involved.

Is it possible to grow too fast?

No I don’t think so. You will most likely reach a plateau, but don’t get discouraged. This is the natural progression of things. Managing time and activity and staying consistent is most important. 

What are your top team building tips?

So much that goes into building a team. Focus on quality over quantity. Look for people who have the same levels of excitement that you do and people who are willing to put in the work, building right along side you. You can be less hands-on as they build their own teams.

⭐ A healthy team culture is so important. People feel safe and know they can come for resources and training. Be everyone’s cheerleader. There is room for success for everyone. You may bring someone in who gets to a higher rank than you. Keep encouraging! Practice what you preach and lead by example. If you set goals for your team, you should be participating to reach those same goals as well. 

⭐ Stay away from begging or convincing (even paying start up fees) someone to join your team. Make sure you are working with quality people and that you aren’t doing things for them. Good team members put in the work and follow by your example. 

⭐ Give new team members the resources and guidance when starting out. Not everyone communicates the same way. Don’t get frustrated when people are not responding. They might learn differently. 

⭐ It is not about reaching out to as many people you can. It’s not just a numbers game. It’s so important not to become robotic. My team are people, not numbers. It’s not just about me, it’s about showing people how to reach their own dreams. 

⭐ If someone on your team is not a great fit, I encourage them if they want to stay. If there is negativity and not willing to learn and try new things, I don’t spend my time with them. People making excuses are time suckers. 

What are the top tips you would give someone considering joining a network marketing team?

Make sure family is on board. Their support is important. Make sure you are very passionate about the product you are going to sell. Study the compensation plan so it makes sense for you. Most importantly, make sure you are having fun! If it feels like a job or something that is weighing you down, it might be time to move on. 

For a deep dive into network marketing and how you can make it a huge success, check out my free video series ‘”Mastering a Million dollar network marketing biz”

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