Getting started in network marketing Part 1

I’ve been asked many times to talk about how I got my start in network marketing and about the lessons I have learned along the way. I was recently a guest on the Momentum Makers podcast where we talked about those questions and more. Here’s a little Q & A rundown:

How did things take off for you?

I was a housewife and mom on the verge of depression. When I started with my first company, I grew at a fast pace and had a large team. I noticed that people were coming and going and took it personally at first. I soon realized the team was not falling apart, but evolving. The beauty of the business is that people can come and go as they please and as it works for them. It is a team business, but I need to put in the work on my part to keep myself afloat in order for this to work. This is a performance-based industry. I was having fun and people were seeing that. In the beginning, I had no idea what the compensation plan was, and was just happy to get a paycheck. My energy and enthusiasm was contagious. 

What’s your advice for someone just starting out?

Do not compare yourself to others. There will always be someone in a higher rank, making more money, etc. Keep your eye on your goals. Strive to beat your personal best. Your only competition should be yourself. 

Do you ever think about quitting?

Yes, all the time. This business is self motivated, so takes a lot of discipline. The flexibility is great, but you need to put in a lot of hard work to succeed. You will have downfalls and things don’t always go as planned. Don’t let it get you down, but learn from your mistakes and let the downfalls fuel your fire.

How do you keep your fire fueled?

Mindset is everything. I live by my personal motto. Know that you can reach your goals and put together a plan to get there. I write down a lot — paper calendar, inspirational quotes. One of my favorite quotes is “Dreams don’t work unless you do.”

What are some pitfalls people may face?

Trying to get your closest family and friends to join you is not the path to your success. They are most likely the last to join you. Your business does not have to be a family affair. If you stay in your small circle, you won’t get very far.  Break off to completely different groups. 

Also, follow your heart, not dollar signs. If you are just following a crowd because it’s popular right now, you won’t get too far. You really need to believe in what you are selling. This is your lifestyle, not just a job. 

I will have some more questions to share with you in part 2. Stay tuned….

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