When I look back at the images I used when starting my business, I realize that I have come a long way. The outfits I wore and even the poses feel outdated now. We don’t want our clients to look at our brand photography and wonder if it was taken in this decade! You all know I love the 80s, but my brand is in the NOW.
Here is an old photo of me. It doesn’t represent my current brand. And I’ve had multiple photo shoots between then and now. Times change and your brand image should change with you…

Points to consider:
Have you changed your hair color or style?
It’s like going on a date with someone you met online and realizing their photo was taken 15 years ago. Not good. Keep your photos up to date so clients would be able to recognize you on the street.
Is the clothing or jewelry you are wearing still in your closet?
If the answer is no, you probably want to get some new photos that represent your current style.
Are the products you are showcasing still available?
Don’t promote items that your clients won’t be able to order. Your photos should represent the items you currently have to offer.
Have you made a pivot in your business and the photos don’t capture what you are selling or promoting?
This goes along with the previous point, but make sure to keep everyone in the loop if you change directions. We don’t want any confusion.
Has it been over a year since your last photo session?
If so, get that new photo shoot on the calendar so you have some fresh new photos to represent your brand.
If you are interested in learning more about my business or want to join my team, schedule a 20 minute call with me. I’d love to meet you!
