Focusing on your prospects to grow your biz

You’re not going to get too far if, when meeting someone new, you jump right in with an elevator pitch about your business and all the great things it’s done for you. Coming right out of the gate talking about yourself is usually a big turn off.

There are two aspect of working in the network marketing field:

  1. You are teaching people about your product in hopes that they want to buy it
  2. You hope those people love your product and want to join your team

With those as your two goals,

you can see right away that this is not about you.

When talking about your product your main focus should be to show potential customers what problem it can solve for them. As you know, I sell a really unique, self-stick nail polish. You might ask what problem it is solving? To me, it’s simple. The kits are easy to apply, no dry time, no need to make an appointment at a salon, tons of fun colors and designs, etc. Think about your product in a way you may not have before. What problems can you solve for someone else? You will be more successful when you prioritize your customer and their needs. They will love you for it!

Your second goal is to recruit new members to your team. If you approach this in a way that makes it about you and why someone should be on your team, you are missing the boat. Make it about them! Show them how this business opportunity lets them create a business on their own terms. They have the benefit of working for themselves, with an entire team supporting them and cheering them on along the way.

Your business is not about you. Focusing on your prospects will lead to more success.

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