The way you present yourself online is important as you grow your network marketing business. Chances are, you found your network marketing business opportunity via social media. When I first started out, Facebook was brand new, and ended up playing a key role in my business success. I co-authored a book called “Momentum Makers” where I talk about how to use social media to grow your following.
I identified 5 key factors that will play a role in attracting the strong following you are looking for. I call these my “5 Cs to social media success.” Today we are focusing on confidence.
Listen up: It’s a myth that confident people are born that way. You might just need a few tips to find your inner strength.
I made you a quick video with a few tips that will get you on the right track.
Your words can make a big difference in how people perceive you. Saying things like “I think you’ll do great with our team” doesn’t send the right message. People are attracted to confidence. Don’t waver.
Make sure to talk about yourself with confidence too. Be careful not to cross the line where it seems like you are bragging about your success. Tell stories and be relatable. Let everyone know that your successes can be theirs too.
I recently read this quote and it really stood out to me since I was already thinking about confidence.

Give yourself a pep talk every day. Remember your “why” and share your message far and wide! You got this!
If you want more tips, I have a five part series called Mastering a Million Dollar Network Marketing Biz. Come join me!
