Getting started in direct marketing can seem daunting. Don’t get discouraged! As long as you are willing to put in the work, success will come.
You might be wondering how to grow your following. That is the goal, after all. My number one piece of advice is to show people who YOU are. Don’t jump in and start talking about your product and how much you love it and how much you think they will love it too…. We get it, you are excited, but throwing all this information out right off the bat can be detrimental.
Think about your personal brand
Make a list of 5 things that you are passionate about. If you need a little help, ask friends to tell you about the things that remind them of you. Write about these things! Do you have any hidden talents? Favorite vacation spots? A charity or cause that you love? Tell us more!
If you have a business question, I’d love to answer it for you. Leave a comment below. And if you want to hear some more tips, check out my Instagram highlights for #WWW (Working Women Wednesday).
If you haven’t yet, check out my Free Video Course: ‘Mastering a Million dollar network marketing biz’
Don’t worry. You got this!
