This business has blessed me in so many ways as you’ve heard me mention many times before. When the pandemic hit the US and people began to struggle, I was reminded again about the blessing of Color Street. I reached out to some of the women in my network and found out why they feel blessed too.

COVID or no COVID, having a team of women as your support group and cheerleaders is priceless. I am so thankful for my team! What we have learned during these hard times is that we work for a company that is still relevant and we are continually feeling gratitude for our returning clients.
You can still be successful!
Whether you’re with Color Street or another company, I want you to know that success is possible, even during these crazy turbulent times! Be ready to try new things, show up for your customers, and stay positive.
And if you’re curious about Color Street and if this is maybe the right next step for you, let’s chat! First – take my fun quiz: Is Color Street right for you!
If you get a yes, or a maybe let’s definitely chat! Schedule a 20-minute free call and we can talk all about your big goals and how Color Street could help you get there.

Having your nails done makes you feel better about yourself, even when you are stuck at home! What’s even better is that we have been able to pay it forward and share some love to those in our communities who have gone above and beyond to help others – think nurses, doctors, first responders. The experts say generosity is one key to happiness and I think they are right!